Opening the autumn art exhibition season by boosting one of the most exciting contemporary collections in Budapest, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) chose the Magic Wall for its new exhibition.
In one of the Hungarian capital's most elegant palaces on Andrássy Avenue, the Q Contemporary art center hosted a new exhibition, entitled Image Exercises. The show, which ran between 18 August to 15 September introduced a selection of works by more than 20 contemporary Hungarian artists. Back and Rosta’s digital touchscreen video wall, the Magic Wall, was also featured for the duration of the event to give visitors a better insight into the MNB's selection of artworks.
According to curator Julia Fabényi, who selected the pieces, the works reflected the current trends in contemporary art. A striking feature is the radical use of colors, technical subtleties and the kind of imagery that is masterly composition into the shaping of its own surface. All this underpins the powerful influence of digital imagery, for which Back and Rosta's world-famous interactive display has provided an excellent background support.
The artists of the Image Exercises reflected on the lights, advertisements, digital and visual world of metropolitan life. The works on display also depicted the vibrancy of the visual medium around us - a theme that was aided by Magic Wall's versatile and captivating technical assets.
Invited for this latest Budapest exhibition, now in its numerous editions, our digital display was presented to visitors in its most modest form: our Mini Magic Wall, a mobile 86-inch video wall, consisting of just one larger, two-metre-wide, mobile screen, brought dozens of works closer to the audience. One of the most popular of our rental walls, our device, which can be moved on a stand with wheels, allowed visitors to learn about dozens of works of art in an engaging way.
The Magic Wall's rich feature set included 3D exploration of artworks, interactive quizzes or jigsaw puzzles and motion picture display. We helped to create a cross-section of the selection that showcases both the MNB's collection and new aspects of contemporary Hungarian art.
The MNB's efforts to promote art are in line with its social responsibility strategy to preserve and perpetuate the traditions of culture and art by presenting Hungarian fine art and contemporary artists - in just five years, its collection of over a thousand works now includes such internationally renowned artists as Judit Reigl, Simon Hantai, Ilona Keserü and Imre Bak.